The GMU finance unit provides support to the BMS, MSTP and DSCB programs. For assistance, feel free to contact the appropriate staff member.
- Student stipend and tuition/fee processing: Livia Crunkleton
- Expense reimbursements for students and faculty participating in Neuroscience, BMS, DSCB and MSTP activities: please submit expense reimbursement requests to your program coordinator, who will triage your request.
- Predoctoral fellowship pre- and post-award management: for MSTP F30/31 applications, please contact Amanda Andonian. All others, please contact Livia Crunkleton.
- Program budgets: Kyle Pusateri
- Training grant pre-award management: Kyle Pusateri
- Training grant post-award management: Livia Crunkleton
- Staff support, training and oversight: Kyle Pusateri